Hay aqui algunos mejicanos que piensan que los Americanos ,y hasta los Indios nobles ,los Dine bi Natsool,de aqui del USA se nos deben de conformarnos a los costumbres de ellos imigrantes. Son conpletamente equivocados en esto. Se conductan como si fueran Cris Colon emponiendo su dedo grande sobre mi,y los demas. Haz mexico mejor desde alli si lo queries tanto.
You are highly mistaken people. You are in the USA, not Mexico. It is you who need to conform to the USA. I live in a house not a teepee and I don't hunt buffalo here,I wear regular clothes,ride a bicycle, play guitar,cheer for the Cubs yeah,normal stuff. and I speak,read and write,in English.I'm Navajo, an American. I was born in the USA.
Sure its great to know more than one language. When you go to another country learn the language, the faster the better,because it makes your own life easier.
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