Sunday, July 31, 2016

Where is this going

Please read this article in The Telegraph :
Extremists will be forced onto deradicalisation programme in new terror crackdown.

About a decade ago a movie China Cry was released. It was about 
when China became a communist country. Those who disagreed with what Mao professed were sent to be re- educated in labor camps.The more outspoken opposition leaders were tortured, and subjected to medical experiments,and surgeries sans anesthesia according to the movie.
That is what first came to mind when I read the headline of the article. Is this where we are headed? Is this what we want?!

I was taught to think for myself. The authorities here thought: that I had information that I never had, and that I was involved in certain radical activities that I was not in; nonetheless, it lead to my being rendered and subsequently blacklisted. You read correctly, there are Americans who are being programmed. The rendering is not done on USA soil.We don't live in a perfect world, the system is flawed.

This is why so many innocent and some flawed individuals are finding themselves with criminal records and the DOJ exerts its power to programme these people.; due to profiling.

How do we stop terrorist beforehand?Perhaps the NSA should ask Patty Hearst,maybe she has better insight and answers for that question.

Yes I'm different, I have epilepsy- low on the spectrum, and I'm just a troubadour average singer songwriter guitar player. I tend to stand out with out even trying,rather always have.Its supposed to be a free country where liberty is exercised and artist appreciated. Don't yall have something better to do than trying to censor people.

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