Sunday, January 31, 2016

ATTN: attorney general in Washington DC

Dear Ms. Lynch,

Given the current state of affairs please take the time to watch the DVD movie 
WikiLeaks: We Steal Secrets. Pfc. Manning uncovered the evidence that the State Department was transmitting classified documents openly. they know the IP address of the computer that was used to send it and which email address it was sent from.I only recently saw it myself,and have previously met some of the NSA employees.

Or perhaps that's why Manning is a prisoner,and why Assange is in a fix,just to shut them up. Because Ms.Clinton is running for president without facing any criminal charges.If your not going to charge Clinton let Manning and Assange go,drop the charges against Snowden; and for crying out loud stop your wasteful costly pointless investigation of me. The NSA has better things to do than hassle a blogger.

Assange says that smear campaign tactics were used against him,welcome to club smear,your not alone.

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