Monday, October 19, 2015

Tobin Censor

there is a sinister thing that happens to me when i utilize the wifi at the Tobin Library. now understand im not a hacker nor a white hat even,really not that savvy tech wise. my macbook though its snow leopard so it'll be phased out eventually,it still works and gets online to surf and post to my blog page. the browser just cant upload video anymore.yeah bummer i know.but it works still ok. 
however, at the tobin library it wont let me even find my blog. cant post from there to my blog. but it let me surf the net. the next day i went elsewhere, with the same macbook and got online and was able to post to my blog. 
and at this same tobin library i always have difficultly utilizing the wifi with my chrome tablet. same chrome tablet gets hijacked at the brady green, or works fine elsewhere depending if the hackers mess with me or not.WTF?!somebody is targeting my IP address's and trying to censor me…really. hey you pansi fascist have you ever heard of the 1st Amendment. history repeats itself and these are rerun times it seems to me. with protest and a war that wages on and on. some folk want times to be like they were in the 50s again. i wasn't born yet. but that was when jim crow was alive and well. however,now it seems that jim crow is seeing a resurgence.i have encountered it.the 50s was also the age of McCarthyism and the Red Scare. folks were labeled communist and blacklisted,many of em were artist.personally i rather not be an object lesson for you CENSOR since you didn't pay attention in history class.

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